Monday, October 20, 2008

Silencio blog, en castellano...

Exams are soon, time is gold, so....i´ll practise here!!! (all improvements are wellcome, I don´t have diccionary with me!!)

Castañeira´s festival!!!

Forest habitants

"Ó lombo" transportation system

Ecologic loading method and "dous tercios" transportation.

Picking time

Lunch time

"Vaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamosss!!!!!!!" typical Ribeira´s shout.

In the world´s ass (straight translation)

"Pero...vosotros que regáis?""Pero que c***nes vamos a regar???!!! castiñeiros, co**!!!"

Conversation between ¨souto¨ owner and hiking turists.


1 comment:

::mer:: said...

JAJAJA straight translation is the best of the post!!!

I'd borrowed my english dictionary if I' had it here, but it's lost!!! Maybe Dacha had it for breakfast...

Kisses "meu, xa che enviei o correo cos teléfonos que che dixen"